Selecting the Gender of Your Future Child

While there are many discussions over how ethical it is to select the gender of your future child before they are born, the fact remains that there are some natural ways you can use that will increase the likelihood of having a child of a certain gender. The ethics of it are up to you and while no method is 100% accurate, there are a few things that you can try that will help you increase your chances for having either a boy or a girl.

These methods are centered around the fact that the sperm who carry Y chromosomes (which are crucial for a boy) are very different from the sperm that carry the X chromosome (which are crucial for a girl). By understanding these variation, and choosing the very best methods, you are creating an environment where one type of sperm can overtake the other and reach the main targeted destination first. Let's take a look at what you can do.

The Ideal Diet

Y sperm require an environment that is alkaline in nature, while X sperm need more acid. The pH levels of your body determine how thick the cervical discharge is and whether or not the desired sperm will be able to get through successfully. In order to have a girl, you have to eat a food that is rich in calcium and magnesium. In an effort to have a boy, a diet rich in potassium and sodium is required.

Just The Right Time

The timing when you have sexual intercourse can greatly help you in selecting the gender of your future child. Because the Y sperm need to reach the egg as quickly as possible, it is essential to time intercourse to the day that you ovulate to increase the chances of having a boy. They will be able to reach the egg while it and they are still viable.

But in order to have a girl, you need to give the Y sperm time to die off, leaving the more durable X sperm behind. Which means that you will need to time intercourse to approximately two to three days before ovulation. This gives the X sperm more than enough time to reach the egg.

The Right Position

The position you choose for intercourse can also affect the sex of your child. Once again, we fall back to the differences between sperm. The Y sperm need to reach their destination in as little time as possible. Because of this, they need to be released as close to the cervix as possible, shortening the trip they must take to the egg. Positions that allow for deep penetration are ideal.

In order to have a girl, you need to make it more difficult for the Y sperm to reach their target on time. In other words, positions where shallow penetration is achieved are necessary. The sperm will be deposited further away from the cervix, giving the X sperm the opportunity they need to reach the egg, and allowing the Y sperm to die off.

So, above are the top 3 guides on how you can begin in selecting the gender of your future child. You must begin with proper planning without any rushing. This is crucial so that you and your partner are always in the right track.

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